Keep going, plenty of room….

If you ever want to visualize the differences between men and women I suggest you do the following. Go down to your local boat ramp or RV park and wait for a husband and wife “team” to arrive. Find a good vantage point that you can hear them from and sit back and observe.

First thing you will notice is that the MAN has to drive the truck / car. There is no turning over machinery to the woman. Second thing you will notice is that the woman already knows where this is going and has a scowl on her face. Typically they will have already agreed upon some signals and words that will guide them to success. These words and signals will cease to work as soon as the activity is started. Usually the man will get frustrated first, make a rude remark, and exit the vehicle. This will start an argument over the signals and words and this will usually happen a couple of times before the man simply decides he can do it alone and backs the trailer / boat into a(n) (insert inanimate object here). A team of two guys can usually get the above task done through grunts and signals that are genetically common to other men. A team of two women can probably get the job done, but it usually takes longer because there will be men watching and giving advice. This tends to slow the women down, plus they have to waste gestures on the men watching.

You think I’m kidding…go set up your lawn chair for the ultimate people watching opportunity. Report back to me.


  1. Interesting material here. I cannot imagine that you would ever have a problem with the communication between you and Jen while attempting this task but if you did I am wondering what kind of hand gestures or signals would be thrown your way.
    Side note .... Hand signals to the driver do not work in the dark or the fog or when standing directly behind the vehicle.

  2. Ahh....welcome back Mike. Your observations have been missed, not greatly, but missed nonetheless.
