Buzz off!

In a follow up from the previous post I decided to take advantage of this mornings weather and ride my bike to the grocery store. This went fine. I picked up a couple of gallons of milk and went on my merry way until…BUZZARDS. These things scare the crap out of me. I don’t take my eyes off these guys when I walk by for fear that they are just poised to strike at the person who isn’t watching them.


The picture doesn’t do them justice. First of all, before the picture there were like 12 more of them. Second of all they are about 10 feet tall with sharp talons and menacing stares.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that these thugs have assmbled in an attack pattern and are showing the "v" symbol which can be quite threatening. We do not have this type of gang activity in the Quad City area. We have cute little squirrels, industrious beavers, and pigeons. The gang activity here was all eradicated when they closed the local "Jack in the Box" back in the early 80's. Good Luck to you in Tampa and the fight for freedom.
