Back to the hospital....briefly?

Don't get too upset at the title, but it is a little setback. Last night my mom got a little concerned about his energy level and decided to take him to the emergency room. The last couple of times that he ended up in the hospital things went too long and his condition was rough upon arrival. This time it would seem that things were caught before it got too bad. Those of you that are more up to speed know that he struggles with a couple of blood issues. Anemia, which is a hemoglobin deficiency, and was measured at 7.4 last night (normal is around 13) and also a blood thinning agent that they have to keep in order due to his heart valve replacement a few years ago. This measurement was relatively normal at 3.0 and is a good sign.

I talked to him briefly and they are getting ready to give him his second unit of blood, the treatment for his hemoglobin count. They had arrived in the emergency room around 7:30 p.m., he got some blood at 4:00 a.m. (yes you read that right) and now, at 8:30, he's getting #2. The doctor will be in to see him in a couple of hours and we will go from there. He isn't in his "usual" hospital in Rock Island, but is in Davenport, IA. That's as much detail as I have strangely.

It is possible that the doctor will decide to keep him in until he starts chemo on Monday, if that is a go, so I'll let you know when I do.

Sorry for the bad grammar, poor spelling, and otherwise struggle with my native language....getting the info. out here has been the priority. That's it for now. Feel free to call me at 813-317-0751 if you need more info. I'm at my in-laws, so I'll add "borrowed computer" to my excuses for run on sentences. : )

1 comment:

  1. Jon...don't worry about the grammar, etc. We are just very thankful that you have committed to doing this and keeping all of us updated!
