Corn Flakes....I couldn't think of a title and the box was just sitting there.

I've made a few more discoveries or more accurately I've come to some additional realizations on our trip. Since everyone who reads this blog is sitting on the edge of their chair waiting for my next tip, trick, or observation I will make you wait no longer.

I don't miss TV
Don't get me wrong. I'm not "missing" TV, I'm just not watching it ON the TV. Since the people who own the house only get the Norwegian version of PBS and some channel that seems to be dedicated to ski jumping, Jen and I have been watching TV on our computer. Sure beats paying Verizon $5,000 a month for the privilege of watching "Deal or no deal" every 15 minutes. We have been using and the online offerings from the various networks. I may have to evaluate our cable bill when we get home. Don't tell Jen.

I have too many clothes
Another misleading title really. As a typical guy I have 5 pairs of jeans...all the same. 20 T-shirts with various logos and words printed on them. 5 of them from the kids as assorted gifts and I'm forbidden from getting rid of them. Of all those things I really only have one-third of that travelling with me. I realized that at home I just wear something and throw it in the dirty clothes and next thing you know there is a pile of not so dirty clothes and a lot of work to do. Trust me...I think I smell perfectly fine after limiting this activity. Maybe I should ask around about that one as I think about it.

We can cook our own food
Ok, well when I say "We" I mean Jen. Jen is a great cook and an inventive one. Since the closest place to get "eating out" food here is the gas station down the street, we have been cooking our own meals. Back home we wrote one check to Verizon as noted above and the rest of our money went to Tortilla Flats. I do miss their flautas though.

Shoes? We don't need no stinking shoes!
Ok...this one is a two parter. The first part - we have been ditching our shoes at the door in the basement and none of us has ever worn our shoes in the house in the last 5 weeks. The house seems much easier to clean and is much cleaner. You can send this little tip off to Better Homes and Gardens if you give me partial credit. The second part - I basically have one pair of shoes and if really pressed I would say I need two. The first pair is a pair of boots that pretty much serve every purpose except for something like playing basketball. I have hiked, run, climbed, shoveled, and travelled with these boots and so far have not worn the other pair of shoes I have with sneakers. I'll let you know how this works out as the weather gets warmer. I know everyone is super fired up to know that we will be talking about the shoes at a later date.

My kids are not normal
This is probably an eight parter, but I've already typed more this morning than the last three days combined. Sara goes to school basically two times a day in two countries and is doing great. Sam talks to his grandma and grandpa and his cousin Allie on the computer complete with headphones and camera....that's normal. They complain when asked to pick up toys that are 6 inches from their hands but slogging through a London subway with all our luggage in 25 degree weather hardly gets a peep. I'll let you know if they ever become normal.

That about covers it. Check out both blogs. We both love comments and e-mail from anyone who is paying attention. Talk soon.


  1. Sounds like you are learning lots of new things. Talked to your Dad yesterday,he sounds great. Diane was here and she talked to him, said he got a little emotional when she 1st started talking to him but then started joking with her. Another chemo day tomorrow I think. Hope all goes well. Your trip sounds very interesting, great experience for all of you

  2. The shoes comment was pretty amusing. I can remember the tennis shoes you wore in college and just how awful they were! I think you purposely did not replace them out of some sort of spite or challenge to the manufacturer. I'm betting they saw WIU, HS, and then probably the Quad Cities. Are you sure their not still in your closet to this day?

  3. Okay. Now I'm reading my terrible spelling. Fudge. They are not Their. Guess I didn't learn as much at Yorkwood Elementary School as my teachers had hoped.
