I see dead people

This morning I was remembering a funny incident from my past and I thought I’d share it with you.

I was listening to morning radio in St. Louis and the topic was dreams. At one point one of the radio hosts made the comment “Did you know if you die in your dreams then you actually die in real life?” While they were discussing this for a while I started to think about it a bit and then I picked up the phone and called in. They were still going on and on about if you die in your dream then you really die when I killed the whole conversation. I asked the girl who made the assertion the following question: “How did you survey this? Did someone ask 100 dead people if A: Were you dreaming when you died? and B: In your dream were you dying? One of the other hosts started cracking up and then picked up on the theme. They razzed this girl mercilessly for the next hour. I felt a little bad about that, but I’ve heard this assertion repeated since then a dozen more times.

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