Change you can believe in

One of the best things about being home, well it’s not that great, is not staring at the money in my hand every time someone needs some. If you want to look like a big dope in most countries just flip the coins and the bills around 6 times before handing them to the cashier. I usually would hand the cashier WAY more money than I needed when it came time to pay just so I wouldn’t have to worry about it. They started to look at me funny when I would give them the equivalent of $50 for six bucks worth of groceries every time. Maybe they would think to themselves, “Here comes that really rich guy with the big bills!” I doubt it too. I’m really excited now when the cashier asks for $4.32 and I immediately find the correct change and throw it on the counter with a flourish and a smile. They are usually not impressed.

1 comment:

  1. Foreign Business OwnerAugust 8, 2009 at 10:29 AM

    Dear American Traveler, Please come back to visit our country again. We appreciate all of the generous tips we have received from you while purchasing food items. Most Americans expect the correct change but you have shown much generosity as we have fleeced your American pockets. Our favorite American money has picture of Ben Franklin and is greatly appreciated. Peace and Love to you American Traveler from
    The Foreign Business Owner.
