Dumb things I have done this week

- Poured orange juice in my coffee rushing to get Sam his breakfast.

- When the phone rang I had the TV remote in my hand. I instinctively tried to answer the remote.

- Went to the car to with my phone and wallet, realized I forgot the keys, went back to get the keys and left my phone and wallet inside. Rinse and repeat.

- Sent an e-mail explaining a file that was attached..forgot to attach to file. Went to send it again and after explaining how I forgot to attach the file I sent it again…without the file. Take 3!

- Told the girl at Publix “Thanks” when checking out…in Swedish.

- Put Sam’s shoes on the wrong feet. How do I keep doing that? I’m looking down at my feet now to make sure I didn’t do it to myself.

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