Home is where the cart is…

In our two blog house we have a rule, or I just made it a rule, I don’t remember. If we both discuss or come up with a blog topic in the presence of each other we decide who gets to write about it. The add on that I’m coming up with is the following. If you don’t take advantage of that opportunity within 24 hours, the idea is fair game. Since I now have the disclaimers out of the way I’m going to take away a topic from Jen and probably do it zero justice.

Have you ever gone through the mental exercise of wondering what it might be like to be homeless? Maybe I’m weird, but I’ve gone through this exercise numerous times. It’s not that I’m pessimistic about my chances of keeping my mortgage intact, but I have lots of good ideas for homeless people. Disclaimer number 2: I am not making light of homeless people or making fun of them, it’s just that there are some questions and answers that need to be out there. First…why would you stay in Chicago, Omaha, or New York if you don’t have a home? At minimum you should just start walking south. Eventually if has to be an easier task to be homeless in Macon, Georgia than Chicago. Second…I have a question. Do you really make that much money sitting at an intersection? This one is actually something I don’t know. The guy at the Intersection down the road never seems to get enough money to move away from the intersection, so I think it’s a bad plan. Third…I have an idea and it isn’t really related to being homeless, it’s just near the same topic. Could you live in one of those Self storage places? Those things have air conditioning, bathrooms, they are dry, and for the most part they are cheap. I think you can even tap the electricity with a little ingenuity. I even saw one the other day that advertised “free wireless”. I know that the people who own or manage these things don’t want you to do such a thing, but I think if you were sneaky enough you could make it work. Someone come up with the reasons why it wouldn’t work and I’ll see if I can overcome them. In the meantime I’m going to look into renting one part time. I’m going to put a recliner and a TV in there and tell the family I’m going to my second job.


  1. Here is some answers: Chicago ranks pretty high and there is no mention of Macon Georgia.


    Police in Key West are lenient on the homeless population, and services for the homeless provide everything from free laundry services and air-conditioned tents.

  2. Interesting. My research team could use a kick in the pants.
