If it ain’t broken….

It was quite a show of drama here last night. Sam was playing his beloved Nintendo DS before bed and as I left the room I told him to quit doing X to it or it would break. Five minutes later I hear shrieking from upstairs. As I started the obligatory “Dad run” to where ever the fire is, I was met by Sara and Sam and two pieces of what used to be a one piece toy. The Nintendo DS. I’ve never felt so bad about being right. Sam was beside himself and Sara was sad because her brother was crying…you would have thought they were watching old Yeller. I only bring up this story for a few reasons. The first is…boy is it hard to get the logistics worked out with a call center as soon as they hear you aren’t in the U.S. The girl kept telling me I needed a U.S. address, a U.S. phone number, she would be sending me a mailing label only good in the U.S. I get it. Ironically she was probably answering the phone in the Philippines or India. The second, and most interesting note to come out of it is that Sara kept telling Sam that she would ask people to replace the DS for her birthday. She has a birthday coming up in June and she wanted to give up her birthday gift to make him happy. I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud of her. Sam, missing the point of the whole conversation, wanted to take the DS to the guy at the bike store. The guy at the bike store??? I quickly slipped in the “Guy who can fix anything” rankings into second place behind the bike store guy. I think I will take the game to the bike store guy. It’s the only way to get back my #1 ranking.

1 comment:

  1. :( So sad, yet so sweet. U casn use my address if u need to. Tell Sara she's a good sister.
