“The list”

Things I’m going to do when I get home

1. Probably gain 10 lbs. I’m committed to changing our “eating out” lifestyle, but we’ll probably have to get a culinary tour of Land O Lakes out of the way.

2. Get our bikes in working order.

3. Figure out where we’ve gone wrong with the electric bill. All my electric bills since we’ve left and the Europeans have taken over, have been much lower.

4. Solve our cell phone situation. This one needs sub-categories, but we spend way too much money on cell phones. In a strange twist the only recession hit we are going to take thus far is that my company has determined that I don’t need a cell phone and they aren’t paying anymore.

5. This one isn’t this far down the list because of importance. See my mom and dad and anyone else that will have us.

6. Get a haircut from my favorite barber without resorting to hand signals.

7. Wander the aisles of Publix.

8. Take a big long swim in the pool.

9. Thank the neighbors for their help while we were away. They’ll say they didn’t do anything, but I’ll buy beer anyhow.

10. Start real life again….ugh.

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