Follicle folly

After many weeks of smooth sailing, today my lack of ability to speak Norwegian cost me. I took Sam to get his hair cut and I was also going to get mine cut. I talked with the stylist about cutting Sam's hair...all according to Jen's instruction. Don't cut it too short was the biggest deal. The girl spoke good English, so I thought she understood.....until she took the first swipe at Sam's hair with the clippers. So after the first swipe up the middle of his head, what are you supposed to do? Tell her to put it back? Make it longer? I chose to sit in my chair and devise a plan to tell my guy how I wanted my hair cut so we both didn't end up the same way. My turn came and due to the nature of my "haircut" all I needed to know was the metric measurement, 4 mil. Phew. As my hair was being "styled" I saw Sam and his stylist in negotiations over something. A toy? A lollipop? No....what color to spray paint his hair. As he was climbing out of the chair I noted that they had settled on green. I walked back to the car wondering how this was going to go. Too short? Yes. Too not his natural color? Yes. Spiked into a faux-hawk? Check! The only saving grace was that Sam loved it. I have no doubt that Jen is blogging this same episode over at Go see her side of the story.

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