Scoop's the deal. Every once in a while I hijack this blog and get off on a tangent. I can't control it, things just occur to me. My latest realization is about my daughter Sara.

I've covered how I am inspired by my dad, how strong I think my mom is, how great of a wife I have, and Sam makes it into all the pictures as the cute 4 year old. Sara makes the cut a lot of times but I thought I would take a minute and share some Sara thoughts.

Let's get the disclaimer out of the way. Sara and I have our moments. I'm usually the jerky punishment guy who doesn't always have enough patience or doesn't "get it". Lately there hasn't been as many of those moments, but it isn't because I'm getting less jerky or patient. I think it might be because Sara is growing up. I would tell you not to tell her I think so, but it is probably inevitable that she comes across this entry. I'm proud of Sara all the time, but lately she has been stepping it up. Sara is currently getting all A's and B's while attending on-line school, and there are more A's than B's. This is good stuff, but Sara also attends school here in Norway for most of the day and reports that she has been answering questions in class that are presented in Norwegian. Sara has a lot going on in her life and without sharing her business here on this internationally read blog.....she is accomplishing a lot being away from her friends, in a foreign country, and just being 13. I'm proud of our Sara.

For those of you who know Sara....drop her a line at, she would be happy to get e-mails and greetings.

Ok...back to normal Jon, er, well....the old Jon. Talk soon.

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